Humanities 211-01 & 03
Tradition: Continuity
FALL 2006
Helen Roulston

FH 206
MWF 8:30 & 9:30
Office: FH7B 1O
Office Hours: MW 11:30-12:30
TTH 8:30-11:00, T 11:00-2:00
Office Phone: 809-4712
Humanities Website

II. Catalog Description: An exploration of humanistic themes as reflected in literary and philosophical works prior to the twentieth century.

III. Humanities Objectives:
        1. Engage in critical analysis of presented material,
        2. Demonstrate a familiarity with the world’s historical, literary, philosophical, and artistic traditions
        3. Critically analyze a variety of literary and philosophical works;
        4. Communicate ideas effectively, and
        5. Demonstrate the ability to make informed ethical choices.

IV. Course Objectives:
         1. Demonstrate an understanding of the diverse positions expressed in the works read in the course;
         2. Critically analyze a variety of literary and philosophical works;
         3. Communicate their understanding of literature and philosophy in both clearly-written essays and/or oral presentations.

V. Course Outline: The course readings are divided into three units:
        The Ancient World
        The Middle Period
        The Early Modern Period.

V. The course as a whole will trace the development of three themes:

VI. Instructional Activities: Class activities include discussion of readings and background lectures.

VII. Field, Clinical, and/or Laboratory Experiences: Films and forums are provided. Students are encouraged to use the world and the Internet as their laboratory as well.

VIII. Resources: Students may use computer labs to surf the Internet and to type their papers. Students are encouraged to communicate with the professor via e-mail about their papers and attendance.

IX. Grading Procedures: There will be 2 exams, both essay and objective, plus 2 typed papers, at least 750 words, on interpretive, analytic, or comparative topics.
        Extra papers, including major overhauls of poor essays, may be handed in for extra credit. All essays must be revised. Satisfactory minor revisions will get a check, more extensive revisions a check plus or double plus. Each paper and exam will be counted equally. This unit is 75% of the grade.
        Quizzes and optional extra-credit assignments, such as written evidence of attendance at previously approved university and community events, count a total of 10%. Each quiz and piece of written evidence will count 10 points towards the 10%. Alternatives to missed quizzes may be handed in provided the absences are excused and the professor approves.
        The final exam, both essay and objective, counts 15%.
        Essay grades are based on style, content, organization, spelling and grammatical accuracy, handling of any appropriate research material, as well as promptness. Papers late without excuse will be marked down one step of a grade (e.g., A to A-, B+, etc.) for each class period after the due date.) Papers that are too short must be augmented to the proper length and then will be marked down one step of a letter grade for each class period after the due date. Papers and exam essays not on the assigned works or topics will not be graded.
        A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, E=0-59
        Students must complete all the work to receive a passing grade in the course.

X. Attendance Policy: Regular class attendance is vital to academic success.
        The official Humanities absence policy will be enforced. The course grade will be lowered one-third of a letter grade for each unexcused absence over three. To avoid the grade penalty, students must offer plausible excuses, preferably authorized written ones, whenever they miss classes. All students must be aware that missing more than 25% of scheduled class sessions (10 classes) without excuse will result in automatic failure of the course.

XI. Academic Honesty Policy: Students are responsible for following the College of Humanistic Studies policy on academic integrity.
        "Cheating, plagiarism (submitting another person's material as one's own or doing work for another person which will receive academic credit) are all impermissible. This includes the use of unauthorized copying of examinations, assignments, reports or term papers, or the presentation of acknowledged material as if it were the students' own work. Disciplinary action may be taken beyond the academic discipline administered by the faculty member who teaches the course in which the cheating took place." Students are also responsible for the Academic Honesty policy statement in the latest Undergraduate Bulletin.

XII. Texts:
3-volume Bedford Anthology of World Literature
Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer's Night Dream. New York: Dover, 1992. Some materials are on the Humanities Web Site. See link above.
Materials related to the texts are on the Humanities Web Site. See link above.

XIII. Prerequisites: English 101, 102, Civ 101, 102 or the equivalents

XIV. STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Murray State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, marital status, age, or disability in employment, admission, or the provision of services, educational programs and activities, and provides, upon request, reasonable accommodation including auxiliary aids and services necessary to afford individuals with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in all programs and activities. For information regarding nondiscrimination policies contact the Office of Equal Opportunity, 270-809-3155.


W Aug 23 Introduction to the Course and Its Themes: Self, Other, Community

F Aug 25 Introduction to the Ancient World (pp. 1.1-14) Introduction to Homer, Odyssey (Bk. 1) (pp. 1.277-85, 420-434)

M Aug 28 Homer, Odyssey (Bks. 5, 9, 10) (pp. 1.482-494, 529-560)

W Aug 30 Homer, Odyssey (Bks. 11, 12) (pp. 1.560-593)

F Sep 1 Homer, Odyssey (Bks. 19, 21-22) (pp. 1.687-704, 716-743)

M Sep 4 Labor Day--No Class

W Sep 6 Sophocles, Oedipus Rex (pp. 1.891-897, 899-952)

F Sep 8 Sophocles, Antigone (pp. 1.952-998)

M Sep 11 Aristophanes, Lysistrata (pp. i.1044-1048, 1049-1082)

W Sep 13 Sappho (pp. 1.791-793); “It’s No Use,” “Sleep, Darling,” “Don’t Ask Me What to Wear,” “Lament for a Maidenhead,” “He Is More than a Hero,” “You Know the Place: Then,” “I Have Not Had One Word from Her,” (pp 1.794-798); Catallus (pp. 1.1164-1168); 2. “Sparrow, O, Sweet Sparrow,” 3. “Dress Now in Sorrow, O All,” 5. “Come, Lesbia, Let Us Live and Love,” 11. “Furious, Aurelius,” 51. “He Is Changed to a God,” 101. “Dear Brother, I Have Come” (pp. 1168-1174)

F Sep 15 Plato, Allegory of the Cave (pp. 1.1083-1088, 1111-1116);

M Sep 18 Plato, Apology and Phaedo (pp. 1.1089-1110)

W Sep 20 Aristotle, from Metaphysics and Poetics (pp. 1.1149-1155)

F Sep 22 Hebrew Texts (pp. 1.127-139): Genesis Excerpts (pp. 1.140-161)

M Sep 25 Bhagavad Gita (pp. 1.1488-1511)

W Sep 27 Confucius, Analects Excerpts (pp. 1.1591-1600)

F Sep 29 EXAM I

M Oct 2 Epicurus, "Letters to a Friend" (pp. 1.1633-1635)


W Oct 4 Introduction to the Middle Ages (pp. 2.2-14); New Testament: Sermon on the Mount (pp. 2.15-27; 1.35-44)

F Oct 6 Fall Break: No Class

M Oct 9 The Qur’an Excerpts (pp. 2.97-129); MIDTERM GRADES DUE

W Oct 11 St. Augustine, Confessions Excerpts (pp. 2.64-96)

F Oct 13 The Thousand and One Nights Excerpts (pp. 2.435-467)

M Oct 16 Capellanus, The Art of Courtly Love Excerpts (pp. 2.611-627); Courtly Love Lyrics (pp. 2.628-635); Faraj, “Chastity” (pp. 2.646-647), Ha-Levi, “The Apple” (p. 2.252), Guillaume IX, “Now, When We See the Meadows Once Again” (pp. 2.658-669), De Ventadorn, “My Heart Is so Full of Joy” (pp. 2.661-663)

W Oct 18 Marie de France, “The Lay of Chevrefoil” (pp. 2.670-677); “Lanval” and “Bisclavret”
(Humanities Website)

F Oct 20 Dante, Inferno (pp. 2.678-686) Canto 1 (pp. 2.689-94), Cantos 3-5 (pp. 2.699-713), Cantos 11-13 (pp. 2.735-748); Canto 34 (pp. 2.844-848)

M Oct 23 Boccaccio, The Decameron Excerpts (pp. 2.849-877)

W Oct 25 Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, "General Prologue" (pp. 2.878-904)

F Oct 27 Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, "Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale" (pp. 2.904-932);


M Oct 30 Introduction to Early Modern Period (pp. 3.1-16); Petrarch (pp. 3.67-71), “The Assent of Mount Ventoux” (pp. 3.72-79); Canzoniere: 1. “Oh, You in These Scattered Rhymes,” 3. “It Was the Very Day,” 90. “Sometimes She’d Comb,” 148. “Not Tiber,” 164. “All Silent Now, ” 222. “Those Eyes I Raved About,” 310. “West Wind Comes Leading into,” 333. “Go Forth, My Elegies” 3.80-84)

W Nov 1 European Love Lyrics (pp. 3.85-90); Wyatt, “They Flee from Me,” (p. 3.94); Shakespeare, “Sonnets: 18. "Shall I Compare Thee?," 116. "Let Me Not to the Marriage of True Minds," 129. "Th'Expense of Spirit," 130. "My Mistress' Eyes" (pp. 3. 104-106); Donne, “The Good Morrow,” “A Valediction Forbidding Mourning,” “To His Mistress Going to Bed,” “Batter My Heart, Three-Personed God” (pp. 3.107-113), Marvell, “To His Coy Mistress” (p. 3.115)

F Nov 3 EXAM 2

M Nov 6 Machiavelli, The Prince Excerpts (pp. 3.120-139)

W Nov 8 Pico, On the Dignity of Man Excerpts (pp. 3.467-470), Ibn Khaldun, Il Muqaddimah Excerpts (pp. 3.153-164)


F Nov 11 Cervantes, Don Quixote, pt. 1, ch. 1(pp. 3.257-266), pt. 1, ch. 8 ( 3.271-276), pt. 2, ch. 5 (pp. 3.304-308), pt.2, ch. 30 (pp. 3.320-323)

M Nov 13 Montaigne, "Of Cannibals” (pp. 3.209-224)

W Nov 15 Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's Dream (Acts 1-3)

F Nov 17 Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's Dream (Acts 4-5)

M Nov 20 Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier Excerpts (pp. 3.171-174)

W Nov 22 Thanksgiving Break: No Class

F Nov 25 Thanksgiving Break: No Class

M Nov 27 Milton, Paradise Lost (pp. 3.575-576); (Bk. 1) Excerpts (pp. 3.576-587)

W Nov 29 Milton, Paradise Lost (Bk. 9) (pp. 3.616-630)

0 F Dec 1 Milton, Paradise Lost (Bk. 9) (pp. 3.630-647)

M Dec 4  “Challenging Orthodoxy” (pp. 3.661-665), Copernicus, On the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies Excerpt (pp. 3.684-689); Galileo and Kepler, Correspondence Excerpts (pp. 3.690-694)

W Dec 6 Hobbes, Leviathan Excerpts (Chaps. 13, all; 14, up to “The mutual transferring of right"; 15, up to “As for the instance of gaining the secure and perpetual felicity of heaven by any way”; 29, up to “Nor does this happen in monarchy only,” continue with “Nor does this happen in monarchy only” up to “And as false doctrine,” continue with “Lastly, when in a war,” to the end)
(Humanities Website)

F Dec 8 Locke, Second Treatise on Government Excerpts (Chaps. 2, pars. 17, 21; 4, pars. 22, 23; 5, pars. 26-28, 34, 40, 44, 45; 7, pars. 87-89; 8, pars. 95-101, 113, 119; 9, pars 123, 131; 19, pars. 222, 225, 227, 229, 240, 241-243); Jefferson, et al, Declaration of Independence
(Humanities Website); Review

M-F Dec 12-17 Final Exams, including the Common Humanities Final Essay, Given During Regular Exam Times.
